2019 Q4 OKR 1 updates

Received multiple offers for dreamjobs that I can start early 2020.


Update 6 - 22-11-2019

This week is going well. Met a few people in the product industry. Also through to the next round of at least one of the screening calls earlier this week. Two more invites for calls. But no offer yet.

  • 26/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 3/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 6/20
    Prepped 20 questions with thoughtful, true answers
  • 5/10
    Invited for 10 screening interviews
  • 0/3
    Received 3 offers

Update 5 - 20-11-2019

Pretty interesting week so far. I talked/connected to 4 people, mostly through other connections. Though nothing concrete came out of that there’s potential. I also sent out an application which lead to a screening interview the next day. For my interviews on Tuesday I prepared 4 questions. So things are looking good.

  • 19/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 3/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 5/20
    Prepped 20 questions with thoughtful, true answers
  • 3/10
    Invited for 10 screening interviews
  • 0/3
    Received 3 offers

Update 4 - 18-11-2019

Rewrote the okrs (see here). Over the weekend I coached a hackaton, which meant I was able to talk to quite a few people about my situation. Whether those talks will be valuable is questionable, because most of these people were based in Berlin/Germany. However, it's still better than not. So bumping that number to 15 total.

  • 15/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 2/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 1/20
    Prepped 20 questions with thoughtful, true answers
  • 2/10
    Invited for 10 screening interviews
  • 0/3
    Received 3 offers

Update 3 - 13-11-2019

This week I'm mostly seeing the fruits of some of the labor from last week. On monday I learned a bit more about the interesting stuff that the Ocean Cleanup is doing. I also had a chat with a friend who knows quite a few people in product management. I had another interview scheduled which followed from a quick application. Now I'm in the train to Berlin for a few days, so not expecting much from this week anymore.

  • 7/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 2/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 0/10
    Prepared deeply for 10 interviews
  • 17/100
    Explored 3 business theses

Update 2 - 08-11-2019

Since Wednesday I went to 1 meetup, there I talked to 4 people about my situation who were in the industry. 3 of them I actually connected to, and out of those already 1 delivered an interview with a startup accelerator. This interview will happen on the 19th of November. I also applied for a product owner job that LinkedIn notified me about. And later I will meet with a good friend who might also know some more people! Ending the week on a high.

  • 4/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 1/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 0/10
    Prepared deeply for 10 interviews
  • 17/100
    Explored 3 business theses

Update 1 - 06-11-2019

Since Monday I've scheduled 2 coffees/lunches in week 46, and one this week. I've also registered for a meetup on Thursday. By now most of my close friends know that I'm looking for a job, but I haven't really discussed what I want in depth with them, so I don't want to count that towards the 50 mark. In the previous week I've started exploring 1 business thesis, I'd say that is about 50%, so I'll update that key result.

  • 0/50
    Discussed my situation with 50 people in the 'industry'
  • 0/30
    Sent out 30 applications
  • 0/10
    Prepared deeply for 10 interviews
  • 17/100
    Explored 3 business theses